Fan Fiction

Madly Eccentric has some of the most talented authors around, this is not a surprise to anyone, but their skills go beyond just RP.  We have a thriving fan fiction account as well, with both weekly and monthly challenges always going on, as well as always accepting any and all fanfiction submissions for publication, both from family members and friends. All submissions will be posted anonmyously on the Madly Eccentric Fan Fiction account on, though you are more than welcome to provide your UN for publishing as well. 
The weekly drabble challenge, currently on it's eighth week, is based on a series of prompts chosen by the admin staff and announced on the TL once a week. The rules are very simple.  Once the prompt is announced, there is a seven day time limit to write up to a 1000 word drabble, based on any MERP or MERP-affiliated character.  That's it! You have free reign over genre, we want to see the happy, the sad, the sexy... everything is welcome. 

In addition, we have a brand new monthly one shot contest.  Again,there are also more rewards!  
Each month, a prompt will be given this is open to both family and friends.  There are a few more rules with this one, but there are more rewards as well.  Each month, a prompt is given, with a time frame of a month to write a 500 to 5000 word one shot based on said prompt.  These submissions must be beta'd before submission.  A panel of experts(AKA Your admin staff and some very special guests) will vote on up to three winners, based upon how many entries we receive, and the first place winner not only gets bragging rights, but also gets a feature interview with our staff as well as the opportunity to collaborate with a staff member on a feature one shot.  Sounds pretty great, right?  Because it is!!!

Between challenge entries, one-shots and general fic, we have over 20 stories on our profile already, and that is just the beginning!  If you are looking for something to read, want to support your family members or just want to see what this whole fanfiction thing is all about, head on over and check out the wide array of stories we have already, I promise you won't be sorry.   

If you have any questions at all, about our challenges or the fanfiction account in general, please feel free to contact @BabeInBookland.

Madly Eccentric Fan Fiction

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